"Discovering Different Cultures"

Rovinaglia, Itália
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

Discovering Different Cultures

Rovinaglia, Italy | 23rd September to 3rd October 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB is represented in the Discovering Different Cultures project under the Erasmus + programme, held in Rovinaglia, Italy.
The project was developed from 23 September to 3 October 2022 and was attended by more than 40 young people from different countries: Italy, Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden who increased their knowledge about multiculturalism.

The main objective of this project is to promote the value of multiculturalism and peaceful coexistence, reinforcing the sense of global citizenship in young people through the encounter and discovery of cultural differences. With this project, the partners want to create an opportunity for people from different countries to meet, exchange and promote the values of hospitality, peaceful coexistence and multiculturalism.


Vindos de países tão diferentes como Suécia e Romênia, Moldávia ou Espanha, Itália, Croácia e Polónia, cerca de 40 jovens como nós criam conexões na pequena vila Rovinaglia. Se é através do conhecimento das diferentes culturas que podemos descobrir mais sobre o mundo e nós próprios, então este é o lugar perfeito para o fazer.

Temos tido atividades tão diversas como festas com músicas típicas de cada país a debates acerca dos benefícios e riscos de legalizar a prostituição e, juntos, aprendemos sobre as diferentes realidades que tornam a Europa este lugar tão especial e ganhamos inspiração uns dos outros.

Têm sido dias intensos, com uma imensidade de emoções à flor da pele. Questionamos factos que sempre demos como absolutos, quebramos estereótipos. Aprendemos tanto que ficamos a saber que aquilo que realmente sabemos é uma gota num oceano que queremos explorar. Especialmente, aprendemos a não assumir, a não julgar.

Fortalecemos o sentimento de que o mundo é, de facto, uma aldeia global e estamos a ser equipados com as ferramentas para reagir cada vez que nos deparamos com uma injustiça social, por desconhecimento do outro… Porque nós mesmos, depois deste projeto, já os conhecemos um bocadinho melhor!


Coming from countries as different as Sweden and Romania, Moldova or Spain, Italy, Croatia and Poland, around 40 young people like us create connections in the small village Rovinaglia. If it is through getting to know different cultures that we can discover more about the world and ourselves, then this is the perfect place to do so.
We have had activities as diverse as parties with music typical of each country to debates about the benefits and risks of legalising prostitution, and together we have learned about the different realities that make Europe this special place and gained inspiration from each other.
It has been an intense few days with a multitude of emotions. We have questioned facts that we have always taken for granted, we have broken stereotypes. We have learnt so much that we have learnt that what we really know is a drop in an ocean that we want to explore. Especially, we learn not to assume, not to judge.
We have strengthened the feeling that the world is indeed a global village and we are being equipped with the tools to react each time we come across a social injustice, due to ignorance of the other… Because we ourselves, after this project, already know them a little better!

Catarina Oliveira, participante

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