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Tarbena, Alicante, Spain

Formacão | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+


Tarbena, Alicante, Spain

The Green Deal is an integral part of the European Commission’s strategy for implementing the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The EU intends to transform its territory and make it a prosperous into a prosperous place, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy in which there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases. where there are no net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. of resources. To this end, the European Union is working on different strategic lines based on the priority of achieving its ecological transition by 2050. These strategic lines include policies such as “From Farm to Fork”, “From Farm to Fork”, “Farm to Fork”, “From Farm to Fork”, “Investing in a sustainable future for Europe”, “Circular Economy Action Plan”, among others.

All of them may represent a great opportunity for green entrepreneurship in rural areas and may represent valid options for youth employment and self-employment. Youth unemployment remains a major challenge for the European Union. European Union. This is in addition to the specific challenge faced by rural Europe in relation to the demographic challenge (ageing population, rural depopulation, etc.). In this respect, the European Green Pact and the Green Economy can represent an opportunity for young rural people to find sustainable job opportunities in rural areas and thus to stay in the and thus, they can stay in the places where they have grown up, without the need to move to big cities.

The Green Deal is an integral part of the European Commission’s strategy for implementing the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The EU intends to transform its territory and make it a prosperous into a prosperous place, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy in which there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases. where there are no net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. of resources. To this end, the European Union is working on different strategic lines based on the priority of achieving its ecological transition by 2050. These strategic lines include policies such as “From Farm to Fork”, “From Farm to Fork”, “Farm to Fork”, “From Farm to Fork”, “Investing in a sustainable future for Europe”, “Circular Economy Action Plan”, among others.

All of them may represent a great opportunity for green entrepreneurship in rural areas and may represent valid options for youth employment and self-employment. Youth unemployment remains a major challenge for the European Union. European Union. This is in addition to the specific challenge faced by rural Europe in relation to the demographic challenge (ageing population, rural depopulation, etc.). In this respect, the European Green Pact and the Green Economy can represent an opportunity for young rural people to find sustainable job opportunities in rural areas and thus to stay in the and thus, they can stay in the places where they have grown up, without the need to move to big cities.

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"Este foi o meu sexto projeto e certamente um dos que mais gostei, não só pelo tema com o qual me identificava bastante mas também pelas pessoas incríveis que conheci, o sítio onde ficámos hospedados e a comida preparada pelo nosso chef, que sem dúvida ajudou a encarecer a experiência. Durante o projeto pessoas de diferentes idades, áreas profissionais e contextos sociais tiveram oportunidade de parar a sua rotina, sair da sua zona de conforto e crescerem a nível pessoal através da dança. Esta diversidade foi o que tornou o grupo mais interessante e enriqueceu a experiência.  Penso que tanto as pessoas com mais ou menos experiência se entregaram completamente ao desafio, esqueceram a vergonha e as inibições, e logo no segundo dia sem dúvida, já se notava uma conexão e uma proximidade incrível entre todos os participantes. Foi visível que de facto a dança não só melhorou a nossa confiança, como a nossa abertura a nível social. Pessoalmente ajudou-me a desligar dos problemas e a refletir sobre as minhas prioridades. O projeto ajudou ainda mais a melhorar as minhas competências linguísticas assim como gestão de tempo e adaptabilidade, já que tivemos de ajustar os planos ao ritmo de aprendizagem de cada um em concordância com o estado de tempo. No final, penso que saí dessa experiência não apenas com novos conhecimentos técnicos de dança como também de gestão emocional e ainda com uma maior capacidade de trabalhar em equipa de forma colaborativa e eficaz. Irei levar para a vida as amizades que fiz durante este projeto."

Sofia Barreiro, participant