"Education is a Universal Right

Duzce, Turquia
Seminário | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

"Education is a Universal Right"

Duzce, Turkey | 07th to 14th April 2020

Seminar | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

“Today, the physical immunity of people with disabilities is violated due to their mental disability and they are exposed to many abuses.Increasing news about sexual abuse of people with disabilities both in our country and in Europe proves that there is insufficient support in the field of sexual education.

Through this training, youth workers will present a variety of approaches to improve the attitudes and behaviors of individuals with intellectual disabilities that can discuss sexuality, help them to be more comfortable and confident, and learn good practices in increasing individual capacities. In this respect, the main objective of the project is to increase the competence of youth workers in the field of sexual education of the disabled.”


“Através da Formação “Education is a Universal Right” que decorreu em Duzce na Turquia de 07-14 Abril 2020, conseguimos apreender novas e diferentes abordagens para podermos melhorar as atitudes e comportamentos dos indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais para falarem sobre sexualidade, e vamos conseguir ajudá-los a se sentirem confortáveis e confiantes e assim também aprendemos boas práticas para implementar e aumentar as capacidades individuais.

Assim através destas aprendizagens conseguimos atingir o objectivo do projecto e aumentar a competência dos Youth Workers no campo da educação sexual de pessoas com deficiência.
Para nós foi um grande contributo para assim estarmos mais capacitados, conhecemos técnicos de juventude com diferentes dinâmicas de trabalho, novas pessoas, novas culturas, novas formas de ser e de estar em grupo, neste projeto em particular foi especial o facto de metade dos participantes serem pessoas portadoras de deficiência, o que possibilitou uma interação mais rica em termos das relações humanas. Esta experiência deu-nos diferentes boas práticas e noções de trabalhar a temática da sexualidade em pessoas com deficiência. Conheci gente muito interessante e interessada, tanto do ponto de vista pessoal como profissional.”


Through the Training Course “Education is a Universal Right” in Duzce, Turkey between 07th to 14th April 2020, we have been able to grasp new and different approaches to what we can improve related to attitudes and behaviors of individuals with intellectual disabilities when talking about sexuality.


Thus through these learnings we have achieved the objective of the project and youth workers competences in the field of sex education for people with disabilities.

For us it was a great contribution to be more capable, we meet youth technicians with different work dynamics, new people, new cultures, new ways of being and being in groups, in this particular project was the fact that half of the participants are people with disabilities, which enabled a richer interaction in terms of human relationships.

This experience has given us different good practices and notions of working on sexuality in people with disabilities. I met very interesting and interested people, both from a personal and professional point of view.

João Vale, Team Leader

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