"Sports Metamorphosis"

Valladolid, Espanha
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

"Sports Metamorphosis"

Valladolid, Spain | 12th to 19th August 2020

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

“This project is based on the awareness of young people about the reasonable practice of sports. We understand the sport as a way to improvement of a lot of skills such as social skills, communication skills, physical skills, learn how to learn… But if we want to achieve this, we will need a divergent thinking and going further. For this is why we will use the alternative sports as a way to get this aim.
With this alternative sports we will be able to connect with the essence of the sports sharing the same objective with different people, working the all group together.
Throughout the project will develop activities to exchange experiences on the subject, experts talks, visits to related centers, games and group dynamics, with which it is intended not only awareness and the advance of new tactics and strategies, but also the development of information dissemination elements to create a multiplier effect by young people once in their origin places. At the end of the project, we will develop a small documentary, a virtual blog and edit information leaflets with useful information about it. Moreover, the project is carried out with the benefit of all European exchanges: the consequent cultural exchange and different perspectives of youth, through the relationship itself including cultural visits nearby cities, games and cultural evenings.”


Como team leader as minhas responsabilidades começaram bem antes do projeto. Certificar-me que a minha equipa estava bem informado, confortável e feliz com os resultados do projeto foi a minha prioridade durante todo o processo.

Felizmente já conhecia a equipa de facilitadores do projeto e tive sempre a certeza de que nos ajudariam em qualquer situação durante o mesmo. 

Não só os facilitadores nos deram todas as ferramentas para que pudéssemos abordar este tópico de uma forma mais leve e interessante, mas também é importante referir que o grupo de coordenadores esteve sempre extremamente preocupado em garantir que todas as medidas de segurança estavam a ser cumpridas bem como o bem estar dos participantes estava a ser respeitado.

Relativamente ao espaço em que ficamos, em primeiro lugar para mim foi muito interessante perceber como pessoas de países diferentes se acomodaram nos mesmos quartos, mesmo nunca se tendo conhecido. Foram sempre respeitadores e conscientes das diferenças culturais que existiam. 

O tópico do projecto era irreverente e fico muito feliz de ter tido a oportunidade de coordenar uma equipa que representou aquilo que o meu país tem para dar.


As a team leader my responsibilities started way before the project did. Making sure my team was well informed, comfortable and happy with the outcome of the project was my number one priority during the whole process. Thankfully I have known the team of facilitators from before and I was sure they would be very helpful during all the project. Not only the facilitators gave us the tools to approach the topic in a much easy and interesting way but also the coordinators of the organization were extremely concerned that all the safety measures were being respected as well as our well-being as participants. Regarding the venue for me it was very interesting to see how people from different countries manage to stay in the same rooms with people they have never met before and still be respectful and conscious about each other‘s differences. The topic of the project was out of the box and I am very happy to to be able to coordinate a team that ultimately represented what my country has to give. 

I am very thankful for this opportunity and I hope I will have much more.

Filipa Tavares, Team Leader

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