I Am Part Of My Community

Cuenca, Spain

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

I Am Part Of My Community

Cuenca, Spain

Between June 14 and 21, a youth exchange was held in Villanueva de Guadamejud, Cuenca: “I am part of my community”, with the participation of Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, Italy, Slovakia and Romania.

We took part in various group activities on topics such as discrimination, social exclusion and the difficulties faced by refugees.


Durante o projeto “I Am Part Of My Community” fomos introduzidos ao processo de mediação intercultural, cujo principal objetivo é melhorar a comunicação e as relações entre diferentes culturas.

No contexto em que nos encontrámos, realizamos várias simulações de interações entre diferentes culturas, enquadradas por processos de mediação. Com o que aprendemos, elaboramos um guia para o planeamento da mediação das interações entre diferentes culturas. 

Além disso, fizemos muitas amizades, aprendemos mais acerca de outros países e participamos em festas incríveis!


During the “I Am Part Of My Community” project we were introduced to the process of intercultural mediation, the main aim of which is to improve communication and relations between different cultures.
In the context in which we found ourselves, we carried out various simulations of interactions between different cultures, framed by mediation processes. With what we learned, we drew up a guide for planning the mediation of interactions between different cultures.
In addition, we made many friends, learned more about other countries and took part in incredible parties!

Portuguese Participant

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