Niš, Sérvia
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 


Niš, Serbia | 1st to 10th August 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

ECOloyality is a mobility project focusing on educating young people on how to lower CO2 emissions. It is estimated that by 2050, more than 10.6 billion people will live on Earth, producing 43.08 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Compared to the 35.3 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide we emitted as a society in 2018.

Therefore, the community, especially young people, must learn to live without using so many resources, given their limitations and increased consumption from year to year. Eurostat estimates that the total carbon footprint in Europe was 6.7 tonnes of CO2 per person in 2019.

However, research has shown that young people can reduce their footprint to 2.5 tonnes a year without waiting for the government to act. Together with 35 changemakers, we gathered in Niš (Serbia) for a ten-day awareness expansion about current environmental issues, learning and experiencing how youth can make a difference in our planet’s future.

People and nature worldwide are already feeling the effects of excessive consumption and CO2 emissions – it was our time to ACT.


O intercâmbio Ecoloyality ajudou-nos a aprender mais sobre várias temáticas dentro da ecologia. Nele tivemos a oportunidade de falar sobre problemas que não têm tanta cobertura nos media como o impacto das cadeias de abastecimento na emissão de gases e também ativismo ambiental. Tivemos a oportunidade de visitar um parque natural e contactar com líderes de movimentos ativistas tanto a nível nacional como internacional. Fora disso, criamos grandes amizades e partilhamos excelentes momentos com gente de Espanha, Grécia, Bulgária e principalmente, Sérvia, com as quais absorvemos e partilhamos cultura. Certamente foi uma atividade tremendamente memorável e que levarei comigo para o resto da vida


The Ecoloyality exchange helped us to learn more about various topics within ecology. In it we had the opportunity to talk about issues that don’t get as much coverage in the media such as the impact of supply chains on gas emissions and also environmental activism. We had the opportunity to visit a nature park and meet with leaders of activist movements both nationally and internationally. Outside of this, we created great friendships and shared excellent moments with people from Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and especially Serbia, with whom we absorbed and shared culture. It was certainly a tremendously memorable activity and one that I will carry with me for the rest of my life

André Machado, Participante

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