"Sustainable Development by young people"

Bansko, Bulgária
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

Sustainable Development by young people

Bansko, Bulgaria | 6th to 14th August 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

The globalization has brought many innovations, technology has developed rapidly in the last years, but yet are not finding proper solutions for environmental issues-it seems the more we progress in technology and innovations, the less we care daily about environment. Globally, approximately a third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted (FAO, 2011). FAO’s Food Loss Index (FLI) estimates that globally, around 14 percent of all food produced is lost from the postharvest stage up to, but excluding, the retail stage (FAO, 2019)

Sustainability issues and zero waste philosophy and stimulate sustainable behavior among youth. We the project creators as young people realized we young people need to become aware that our actions matter and it is not job of institutions or government or companies to take care of the environment but each and everyone of us needs to be aware and have responsible behavior. Along with the partners we have conducted an online survey to measure the level of knowledge, awareness and skills of youth related to sustainability and zero waste concept and thus determined the learning goals and project aims of the project.


O projeto em Bansko (Bulgária) que aconteceu entre os dias 6 e 14 de agosto foi uma grande experiência como participante no qual pude descobrir novas informações sobre reciclagem e novas formas de ajudar o meio ambiente. Ao mesmo tempo, fiz muitos novos amigos de diferentes países. Sem dúvida, uma experiência que vale a pena viver e repetiria novamente.


The project in Bansko (Bulgaria) that took place between August 6 and 14 was a great experience as a participant in which I could discover new information about recycling and new ways to help the environment. At the same time I made many new friends from different countries. Without a doubt, an experience worth living and I would repeat it again.

Ricardo Cardona, Participante

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