GREEN ECONOMY - enhancement social capital and support ecological transition

Ecovillage Torri Superiore, Itália

Formação | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

Green Economy

Ecovillage Torri Superiore, Itália

6 Março a 15 Março 2023 (Formação)


The choices our communities are making now on their path of recovery will shape the trajectory of sustainable development in the years to come and the use of digital technologies will become crucial in this green transition.

The UE aims to become climate neutral by 2050 through a series of initiatives that will protect the environment and revive the green economy. International organizations can play a significant role in raising awareness and cultivating a fundamental shift in the mindset and attitude of Generation Z and Alpha. Through local and European projects and training courses, youth workers can stimulate sustainable values, a green entrepreneurial mentality, pro-environmental behaviors among young people.

In the right learning environment, with the right mentors and sources of inspiration, young people can succeed in combining creativity, technology, and innovation, to design new prototypes that can save energy, solve existing problems and, of course, foresee future problems that may arise.

Education and awareness are the key elements to develop the pro- environmental behaviors of entrepreneurs and society to reduce the environmental impact.

The main objective of the “Green Economy – Enhancement Social Capital and Support Ecological Transition” project is to enhance the partnership network involved and accompany 24 youth workers for the development of tools, skills, know-how and suitable attitudes (SKA) to provide green entrepreneurship education services for young people interested in becoming “greenpreneurs” through an 8-day intensive training course in Italy.

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