"The Biggest Obstacle Is Lovelessness"

Yalova, Turquia
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

The Biggest Obstacle Is Lovelessness

Yalova, Turkey | 15th to 22nd September 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB is represented in the project The Biggest Obstacle is Lovelessness under the Erasmus + programme, held in Yalova, Turkey.

The project was developed between 15 and 22 September 2022 and was attended by more than 20 young workers from different countries: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal and Norway who increased their knowledge on inclusion.

The aim of the project was to increase young people’s awareness of the inclusion of people with disabilities, to improve communication skills and understanding of people from different backgrounds and cultures and to develop young people’s knowledge and competence in inclusion practices.

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #turkey  #TheBiggestObstacle isLovelessness


5 jovens, representantes de Portugal, estiveram em Yalova, Turquia à beira do mar Marmara

Estes jovens experimentaram, respiraram, comeram, beberam, conviveram. A cada pôr do sol mais uma recordação linda, a cada passo mais saúde na nossa vida. Com amor e cabeça fria informamo-nos e ficamos mais sensibilizados sobre um mundo antes desconhecido. Um mundo em que o normal não o é, um mundo excluído, recuado, recusado, um mundo difícil e com tanto sofrimento. Neste mundo cada acordar custa, cada passo torna-se pesado e cada palavra é dificilmente pronunciada. Estes mundos ligam-se e juntos se ajudam. Já não há mais incompetentes nem mais reclusos. Somos todos um e temos que fazer o nosso melhor.


5 young people, representing Portugal, were in Yalova, Turkey on the shores of the Marmara Sea

These young people experienced, breathed, ate, drank, socialised. With each sunset another beautiful memory, with each step more health in our lives. With love and a cool head, we became informed and more aware of a world previously unknown to us. A world where normal is not normal, a world that is excluded, rejected, a difficult world with so much suffering. In this world every awakening costs, every step becomes heavy and every word is difficult to pronounce. These worlds connect and help each other. There are no more incompetents or recluses. We are all one and we have to do our best.

Filipe Freire, Team Leader

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