Sport Connects You(th)

Trakai, Lituânia

Mobilidade de Youth Workers | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Sport Connects You(th)

Trakai, Lithuania | 13 de Outubro a 18 de Outubro 2022

Training Course | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB was represented in the “Sport connects you(th)” Training, which took place in Trakai, Lithuania, during the days, 13-18 October 2022, under the Erasmus + programme.

The project aimed to raise awareness among young Europeans about the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle, encourage young people to be advocates for a healthy and active lifestyle in their local communities, introduce the objectives of EU sports policy and the concept of the European Week of Sport, develop young people’s entrepreneurial skills through sports initiatives and develop young people’s skills and competences to become more active and responsible European citizens.


FAJUB was represented in the exchange “”Sport connects you(th)””, which took place in Trakai, Lithuania, during the days, 14-20 November 2022, under the Erasmus + programme.

The project aimed to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle among young Europeans, encourage young people to be advocates for a healthy and active lifestyle in their local communities, introduce the objectives of EU sports policy and the concept of the European Week of Sport, develop the entrepreneurial skills of young people through sports initiatives and develop the skills and competences of young people to become more active and responsible European citizens.


Em Outubro, fiz parte do projecto desenvolvido na Lituânia relacionado com o desporto e a juventude.

Foi uma experiência muito enriquecedora para mim e para o meu crescimento pessoal. Foi um prazer conhecer todos os participantes e partilhámos a nossa experiência de formas muito dinâmicas, trabalhando em equipa, expondo as nossas opiniões e avaliando todas as actividades. Naqueles dias, trabalhamos na igualdade de género e inclusão social no desporto. As noites interculturais surpreenderam-nos com uma grande diversidade. Para mim, este projecto foi uma oportunidade para pôr em prática e melhorar as minhas capacidades desportivas e sociais. 

Erasmus + é uma experiência que todos os jovens devem fazer, mesmo que seja apenas uma vez na vida.


In October, I was part of the project developed in Lithuania related to sport and youth.

It was a very enriching experience for me and my personal growth. It was a pleasure to meet all the participants and we shared our experience in very dynamic ways, working in teams, expressing our opinions and evaluating all the activities. On those days, we worked on gender equality and social inclusion in sport. The intercultural evenings surprised us with great diversity. For me, this project was an opportunity to put into practice and improve my sport and social skills. 

Erasmus + is an experience that all young people should do, even if it is only once in a lifetime.

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #lithuania  #sportconnectsyou(th)

Inês Pinheiro


No passado mês de Novembro, tive a oportunidade de participar no intercâmbio de jovens, “Sports Connect You(th)”, na Lituânia.

Foi uma experiência muito enriquecedora para mim, enquanto pessoa e profissional na área de desporto. Foi um gosto conhecer os diversos participantes de diferentes países. Foi uma experiência com base em muita partilha, ideológica, onde expusemos as nossas opiniões e onde trabalhamos em equipa em prol da comunidade local. 

A inclusão social e a igualdade de género no desporto foram os assuntos trabalhados durante a semana, identificando-os em diversas situações hipotéticas e, posteriormente, debatendo, chegando sempre a consenso coletivo, as diferentes resoluções de forma não só a solucionar como a prevenir estes problemas sociais.

Considerando esta viagem e este projeto como algo interventivo e necessário para quem quer marcar a diferença de alguma forma na sociedade e expandir ou fazer expandir horizontes, penso que o Erasmus + é a escolha mais acertada. 

A mudança começa em ti!


Last November, I had the opportunity to participate in the youth exchange, “Sports Connect You(th)”, in Lithuania.

It was a very enriching experience for me as a person and professional in the field of sports. It was a pleasure to meet the various participants from different countries. It was an experience based on a lot of sharing, ideological, where we expressed our opinions and where we worked as a team for the benefit of the local community. 

Social inclusion and gender equality in sport were the issues worked on during the week, identifying them in various hypothetical situations and then debating, always reaching collective consensus, the different resolutions in order to not only solve but also prevent these social problems.

Considering this trip and this project as something interventive and necessary for those who want to make a difference in some way in society and expand or make horizons expand, I think Erasmus + is the right choice. 

The change starts in you!

Maria Madalena

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