Anomie, I change my LIFE+

Iasi, Roménia

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Anomie, I change my LIFE+

Iasi, Romania | 8 de Dezembro a 18 de Dezembro 2022

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB is represented in the exchange “Anomie, I change my LIFE+”, taking place in Iasi, Romania, during the days, 8-18 December 2022, under the Erasmus + programme.

During this Youth Exchange, 37 participants from 6 countries are exploring in a non-formal and attractive way how to manage an event during its phases, involving volunteers. Everything starts with research and ends after feedback and evaluation. This process can be applied to all aspects of life, starting from personal goals regarding school and hobbies or from a career point of view.

We thus share a summary of this project, hoping that this experience is being memorable for everyone.

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #romania  #anomieichangemylife+


O intercâmbio Anomie, I change my LIFE+” realizado na Roménia esteve focado em como criar eventos para jovens. Fomos desafiados a imaginar e planear um evento, aprendemos ferramentas digitais que nos ajudam a publicitar eventos e falámos dos mais diversos tipos de risco associados a eventos.


The exchange “Anomie, I change my LIFE+” held in Romania was focused on how to create events for young people. We were challenged to imagine and plan an event, we learned digital tools that help us to advertise events and we talked about the most diverse types of risk associated with events.

Cristiana Santos

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