"Say W!"

Alpignano, Itália
Seminário | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

"Say W!"

Alpignano, Italy | 08th to 15th February 2020

Seminar | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Learning for sustainability is a process involving the cognitive, affective and psychomotor dimensions. This means that we need to involve participants in a transformative process as individuals, by engaging each of these three elements. We can think of this as involving Head (thinking), Heart (feeling) and Hands (doing). Uniting these three domains helps young people acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to build a more sustainable, peaceful and just world. Among the impacts of the project we want to create a sort of handbook that can be used and replicated in all international exchange experiences.


Com o intercâmbio juvenil Say W, durante oito dias, tive o privilégio de aprender sobre sustentabilidade ambiental em Alpignano, Turin, Itália. Apesar de estar (tragicamente) surpresa com a minha pegada de carbono, agora sei quais são algumas das mudanças que devo fazer no meu estilo de vida. Compreendo ainda quais são algumas das diferenças relacionadas à legislação ambiental entre os países que participaram no projeto. Além disso, percebi que espalhar a CONSCIENCIALIZAÇÃO É FUNDAMENTAL! Estas foram simplesmente algumas das muitas coisas interessantes que aprendi com, a Lina, a nossa incrível facilitadora e Fabrizio, o gestor do intercâmbio de jovens – Sustentabilidade e trabalho juvenil – SAY W!. A marca final que escolhemos deixar no mundo é uma página do Instagram chamada green.colibri.team. I won’t spell the beans sobre o conteúdo desenvolvido. Desta forma, estarás tão surpreendido como eu estava no início do projeto. Obrigada pela oportunidade. 😉


For eight days I had the privilege to learn about environmental sustainability in Alpignano, Turin. In spite of being (tragically) surprised about my carbon footprint, I now know what are some of the changes I should do in my lifestyle. I understand what are some of the differences related to environmental legislation between the countries which participated in the project. Moreover, I realized that SPREADING AWERENESS IS KEY! These were simply some of the many interesting things I learned with, Lina, our amazing  facilitator and  Fabrizio, the head of the youth exchange – Sustainability and youth work – SAY W!. The final mark that we chose to leave in the world is an Instagram page called green.colibri.team. I won’t spell the beans about the content though. That way you will be as susprised as I was in the beginning of the project 😉

Margarida Mendes, Team Leader

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