"Social Inclusion and Sports Against Addiction"

Petrovice u Karviné, República Checa
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

"Social Inclusion and Sports Against Addiction"

Petrovice u Karviné, Czech Republic

APV: 17th to 20th September 2020

YE: 10th to 19th October 2020

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

“Our international youth exchange will take place in Petrovice u Karviné (it is a village situated exactly on Czech – Polish border, in the east of Czechia, in proximity of cities like Karviná, Ostrava and Katowice). 30 youngsters coming from Czechia, Poland, Turkey, Spain, Portugal and Romania will gather and work together on reaching the projects goal. Each group consists of 4 youth (18-30 years old) + 1 group leader (18 years old +). During the exchange we will use various non-formal learning and informal learning methods such as energizers, games, intercultural evenings, study visits, integration activities, discussions and reflection
etc. The aim of the projects is to enable youth to develop competencies needed to fight drug abuse in their communities, to promote sports and inclusion as tools to fight drug abuse, to
share best practices in the area of drug abuse prevention from our countries and communities and to empower youth with fewer opportunities who succumbed to the addiction to fight their difficult situation and to work together on creating 6 movies promoting lifestyle without drug addiction as a right choice for happy and fulfilling lifestyle.


Cada projeto Erasmus + separa a minha vida no “antes” e “depois” do projeto. A minha decisão de participar no projeto “Inclusão social e desporto contra adições” foi fácil devido ao meu amor pelo desporto, à minha experiência profissional como educadora social e à paixão por viajar. Não tinha medo de ficar longe de casa e adoro conhecer pessoas. Eu estava pronta para tudo e meu primeiro objetivo era descobrir mais sobre as diferentes culturas que participariam no Intercâmbio de Jovens.

Felizmente o grupo foi super simpático e estabelecemos uma relação de amizade que empurrou o projeto para outro nível. Assim que cheguei comecei a interagir com outras pessoas. Foi desafiador porque eu estava sempre a tentar ajudar também os membros da minha equipa que estavam um pouco tímidos no início. Felizmente, todos nós nos integramos muito bem e pudemos passar dias incríveis aprendendo sobre outras culturas e descobrindo mais sobre como usar o desporto como uma ferramenta contra os vícios.


Every Erasmus+ project separated my life into ‘before’ and ‘after’ the project.  My decision to participate in the project “Social inclusion and sports against addiction” was easy because of my love for sports, my working experience as a social educator and passion for travelling. I was not afraid to be away from home and I love to meet people. I was ready for everything and my first goal was to discover more about the different cultures participating in the Youth Exchange.

Fortunately, the group was super friendly and we established a friendship relation that pushed the project to another level. As soon as I arrived I started to interact with other people. It was challenging because I was trying also to help the members of my team that were a little shy in the beginning. Fortunately, all of us integrated pretty well and we could pass incredible days learning about other cultures and discovering more about how to use sports as a tool against addictions.

Margarida Mendes, Team Leader



Hoje, os nossos membros e alguns convidados especialmente convidados para a ocasião assistiram aos vídeos e aos materiais elaborados durante o Intercâmbio de “Social Inclusion and Sports Against Addictions”, in Czech Republic. Além disso, alguns participantes foram partilhando a sua experiência no projeto e o que aprenderam e encorajaram outros a participarem em futuros Intercâmbios de Jovens, onde também foi realizada uma breve introdução do programa Erasmus+ aos presentes que nunca tinham participado no programa.


Today, our members and some guests specially invited for the occasion were watching the videos and the materials created during the Youth Exchange Social Inclusion and Sports against addictions, in Czech Republic. Apart from that, some participants were sharing their experience in the project and what they learnt and encouraging others to participate in future Youth Exchanges, also we enjoy a short introduction of the Erasmus + program to the ones that never participated before.

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