"Youth EmPLAYability"

Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

"Youth EmPLAYability"

Sunny Beach, Bulgaria | 5th to 13th June 2021

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Youth unemployment is a widespread problem in Europe. A
lot of young people are not able to find a job, so they are
faced with economic obstacles. Therefore, it is essential to
help them find a way to solve this. That’s why the main aim of
this project is to raise youth employment ability by improving
their digital and soft skills.
Technologies are continually being renewed, and it isn’t easy
for the youngsters to follow them without the creation of
dedicated space and time for training and innovation. In the
modern workplace, they are highly valued, but in the future,
they will be vital. On the other hand, a lack of soft skills can
limit personal potential. Soft skills are often overlooked, but
they also play an essential role in day-to-day operations and
could be useful both in our professional and personal lives.
Participating organisations wanted to create a space for
sharing competences and tools, validated by youth working in
different countries. The purpose is to increase the abilities of
the involved youngsters to improve soft skills and usage of
digital competences.

Project Results

Videо: https://www.facebook.com/ArteamBulgaria/posts/1256098101476225

Essential skills for the 21st Century: https://www.facebook.com/ArteamBulgaria/posts/1247126082373427

Handbook: https://www.facebook.com/ArteamBulgaria/posts/1271727443246624


Através da FAJUB tive a oportunidade de me inserir no projeto “Youth EmPLAYability” em Sunny Beach na Bulgária. Neste projeto, através de atividades interativas e dinâmicas baseadas na metodologia de educação não-formal, conseguimos desenvolver e melhorar as nossas competências relacionadas com o mercado de trabalho e a empregabilidade. Esta experiência foi enriquecedora e única, onde, para além de aprendermos conhecimento técnico tivemos a oportunidade de conhecer outras culturas e formar amizades com jovens de outros países.” 


Through FAJUB I had the opportunity to insert myself in the project“ Youth EmPLAYability ”in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria. In this project, through interactive and dynamic activities based on the methodology of non-formal education, we can develop and improve our connections related to the labor market and employability. This experience was enriching and unique, where, in addition to learning technical knowledge, we had the opportunity to learn about other cultures and form friendships with young people from other countries. ”

Inês Geraldes, Team Leader

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