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"Be a Changemaker"

Sunny Beach, Bulgária
Formação | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

"Be a Changemaker"

Sunny Beach, Bulgaria | 05th to 13th June 2021

Training Course | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

“Young people must have the opportunity to lead change within their own
communities. We aim to build the capacity of young people from Bulgaria,
Greece, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Italy and Romania so that
they Increase their competencies in writing and involving the youth in the
writing of international projects. Based on that, we set the following objectives
for our project:
1. Raise competencies regarding planning and writing of Erasmus+ projects.
2. Develop abilities to identify and analyse the needs of young people for the
27 participants, from the seven partner countries, during the period of the
3. Develop skills to motivate and involve young people in the writing youth
projects, for the 27 participants, from the nine partner countries.
4. Develop self-esteem of the 27 youth workers attending the project regarding
writing and implementing European youth projects in their community.



Em Sunny Beach na Bulgária, estivemos a trabalhar arduamente para obtermos bons resultados. Durante este projeto tivemos oportunidades de desenvolver dinâmicas de ativação e de trabalho de grupo para mais tarde aplicar nas nossas organizações. O objetivo foi que, durante o projeto, conseguíssemos desenvolver atividades para disseminar o programa Erasmus +. Todo o trabalho feito visa a melhoria do futuro para os jovens na Europa. Foi uma oportunidade única que nos permitiu entrar em contacto com diferentes perspetivas culturais e perceber o que de bom se faz em toda a Europa. Saímos deste Intercâmbio Juvenil mais capaz e com uma renovada motivação para continuar o bom trabalho que a FAJUB desenvolve. 


In Sunny Beach in Bulgaria, we worked hard to get good results. During this project we had opportunities to develop activation and group work dynamics to later apply in our organizations. The objective was that, during the project, we were able to develop activities to disseminate the Erasmus + program. All the work done is aimed at improving the future for young people in Europe. It was a unique opportunity that allowed us to get in touch with different cultural perspectives and understand what good things are done across Europe. We left this Youth Exchange more capable and with renewed motivation to continue the good work that FAJUB develops.

Cecília Machado, Team Leader

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