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"Modern European"

Tarnów, Polónia
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

"Modern European"

Tarnów, Poland | 4th to 11th June 2021

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Together we have prepared interesting activities based on nonfromal and informal education methods, such as games, integration activities, workshops, presentations, discussions, national evenings, etc. By full participation in these learning process we want to develop competences which will allow us to better understand the world around us, take smarter decisions and give valuable, positive input to our local communities, countries and whole Europe.


Ter a oportunidade de viajar até à Polónia e experienciar o intercâmbio é algo benéfico e que nos ajudou de imensas formas. As vivências que temos, e o conhecimento que adquirimos através do envolvimento com os jovens dos outros países é significante e ajuda ao nosso desenvolvimento. Todos os projetos do programa Erasmus + são únicos e ajudam-nos a crescer para que sejamos jovens mais ativos e dinamizadores na comunidade europeia. Sentimos que esta participação foi uma mais valia para todos os envolvidos e retiramos imensos benefícios que poderemos aplicar em toda a nossa vida.”


Having the opportunity to travel to Poland and experience this youth exchange is something beneficial and has helped us in a lot of ways. The experiences we had, and the knowledge we acquired through engaging with young people from other countries is significant and helps our development. All Erasmus + projects are unique and help us to grow so that we are more active and dynamic young people in the European community. We feel that this participation was an asset to everyone involved and we reaped immense benefits that we can apply throughout our lives.

Mónica Parreira, Team Leader

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