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Circus For Change

Córdoba, Spain

Mobilidade de Youth Workers | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

Circus For Change

Córdoba, Spain

From April 15 to 21, three youth workers were in the city of Córdoba, Spain, in the context of youth worker mobility.

This project allowed them to develop social circus methodologies and good practices as tools for working with young people in the field of social intervention. This was a precious time in terms of practical learning (learning by doing) for youth workers so that they could improve their daily work in the area of social inclusion work with young people.


É com um sentimento de extrema gratificação que escrevo este testemunho, durante esta semana tivemos a oportunidade de nos conectarmos com jovens, que mesmo sendo tão diferentes de nós, devido a sua origem geográfica, partilham tantos valores como nós, e é nesta compreensão que reconheço que todos os humanos por muito diferente que sejam, todos temos este fio condutor, todos sentimos as mesmas emoções e todos temos as nossas adversidades e também todos temos os nossos momentos de celebração. Durante esta semana, tivemos a oportunidade incrível de poder trazer o circo a pessoas que de alguma forma não têm uma grande conexão com esta área, foi incrível podermos atuar e criar workshops num centro de dia, com pessoas que portam algum tipo de deficiência e perceber no meio de tudo isto o quão impactante, pequenas coisas podem ser, partilha do um pouco do que fazemos conseguimos receber em troca os sorrisos mais puros, daqueles que muitas vezes são deixados para trás, e reconhecer o quanto podemos colaborar para com o bem estar e contentamento de outros, é sem dúvida uma experiência transformadora.

Tivemos também oportunidade de trabalhar com adolescentes, através de jogo e da manipulação de objectos, e foi realmente bom conseguirmos afastar os olhos destes futuros adultos, dos seus telemóveis que tantos lhes roubam a vida.


It is with a feeling of extreme gratification that I write this testimony, during this week we had the opportunity to connect with young people, who even though they are so different from us, due to their geographical origin, share as many values as we do, and it is in this understanding that I recognize that all humans, however different they may be, all have this common thread, we all feel the same emotions and we all have our adversities and we also all have our moments of celebration. During this week, we had the incredible opportunity of being able to bring circus to people who somehow don’t have a great connection with this area, it was incredible to be able to perform and create workshops in a day center, with people who have some kind of disability and realize in the midst of all this how impactful small things can be, sharing a little of what we do, we can receive the purest smiles in return, from those who are often left behind, and recognizing how much we can collaborate with the well-being and contentment of others, is undoubtedly a transformative experience.
We also had the opportunity to work with teenagers, through games and the manipulation of objects, and it was really good to be able to take the eyes of these future adults away from their cell phones, which rob them of so much of their lives.

Mara Candeias, participant

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