We Are Serious About Inclusion

Murzasichle, Poland

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

We Are Serious About Inclusion

Murzasichle, Poland

The “We’re serious about inclusion” project took place in Murzasichle, a mountain town near Zakopane, between June 8 and 20 and was organized under the European Erasmus+ programme (KA 1), bringing together 30 young people (1 group leader + 4 participants) from 6 different countries, namely Romania, Spain, Latvia, Portugal, Greece and Poland.

The project aimed to promote inclusion through team sports and healthy habits, raise awareness of the pitfalls of social exclusion, as well as exchange ideas and experiences between young people from different migrant backgrounds. The project used non-formal methods, with an emphasis on sports and outdoor activities, such as hiking, yoga, meditation, laughter therapy, self-reflection.


Este foi o meu primeiro projeto. Apesar de ter ouvido histórias de outras pessoas noutros projetos, fui sem quaisquer expectativas.

O meu principal objetivo era sair do ambiente de pressão para melhorar que me mantive a mim mesmo durante anos.

A experiência permitiu-me exatamente isso. Apesar de não desligar 100% das coisas que afetam a minha vida, consegui desligar grande parte do tempo e conectar com outros. Com outras pessoas, com outras culturas, com a nossa cultura também e com a natureza num país diferente. Tudo isto quase sempre ligado à atividade física.

Senti-me ouvido e conectei com amigos, com quem pude ser 100%, que me aceitaram assim mesmo.

Agradeço até mesmo quando fui overbooked e passei um dia em Itália, que permitiu conectar mais com o David.

Muito grato pelo projeto e por toda a experiência!


This was my first project. Although I had heard stories from other people on other projects, I went without any expectations.
My main goal was to get out of the pressure-to-improve environment I’d kept myself in for years.

The experience allowed me to do just that. Although I didn’t disconnect 100% from the things that affect my life, I was able to disconnect a lot of the time and connect with others. With other people, with other cultures, with our culture too and with nature in a different country. All of this is almost always linked to physical activity.

I felt heard and connected with friends, with whom I could be 100%, who accepted me just the way I was.
I’m even grateful when I was overbooked and spent a day in Italy, which allowed me to connect more with David.

Thank you so much for the project and the whole experience!

Miguel Carneiro, participant

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