"Money is no honey"

Petrovic, República Checa
Intercâmbio de Jovens | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 

Money Is No Honey

Petrovice U Karnivé, Czech Republic | 19th to 27th April 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB was represented in the youth exchange “Money is no Honey” under the Erasmus + program, held in Petrovice u Karviné, Czech Republic.

The project took place from April 19 to 27, 2022, and gathered in the city of , Petrovice u Karviné (a village located on the Czech-Polish border). 30 young people from the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Portugal and Turkey worked together to achieve the goals of the project. Each group was composed of 4 participants (18 – 30 years old) and 1 group leader (18+ years old). During the activities they will use various non-formal and informal learning methods, such as energizers, games, intercultural evenings, study visits, reflections, discussions, etc. The aim of the project was to learn more about the topics of financial literacy, debt, sustainability, entrepreneurship and to share our cultural identity and to make new friendships and international connections.


Nunca tinha estado na República Checa antes e não tinha qualquer tipo de contacto com essa cultura. Foi um projeto giro em que no mesmo projeto atravessei sozinha 3 país. Na ida fui pela Áustria e de lá apanhei dois comboios para a República Checa. Na volta apanhei um comboio da República Checa para a Polónia e de lá um avião para Portugal.

A viagem em si foi engraçada e ao viajar sozinha ajudou-me a vivenciar novas experiências. Sobre o projeto em si, durante o projeto deu para conhecer um pouco da cultura do país e contactar com pessoas de outros países o que foi uma experiência cultural muito rica. Em geral gostei muito e achei curioso o pão da República Checa ser igual à regueifa que se come aos domingos no norte de Portugal. Votos de muito sucesso para as organizações dos do projeto e demais participantes


I had never been to the Czech Republic before and had no contact whatsoever with that culture. It was a nice project in which in the same project I crossed 3 countries by myself. On the way I went through Austria and from there I took two trains to the Czech Republic. On the way back I took a train from the Czech Republic to Poland and from there a plane to Portugal.

The trip itself was fun and traveling alone helped me to experience new experiences. About the project itself, during the project I got to know a little bit of the culture of the country and made contact with people from other countries, which was a very rich cultural experience. In general I liked it very much and I found it curious that the bread in the Czech Republic is the same as the “regueifa” we eat on Sundays in the north of Portugal. I wish a lot of success to the project’s organizations and the other participants

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #moneyisnohoney

Maria, Participante

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