Vejle, Dinamarca
Formação | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 


Vejle, Denmark | 9th to 16th June 2022

Training Course | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB is represented in the 2nd part of the project WELL-BE – Coaching for Youth and Employability under the Erasmus + programme, held in Novaci, Romania.

The project was developed between 25 August and 1 September 2022 and was attended by more than 20 youth workers from 7 different countries: N. Macedonia , Romania , Italy , Portugal , Cyprus , Turkey and Denmark, who increased their knowledge and training as trainers.

The vision of the project “WELL-BE – Coaching for Youth and Employability” is “Coaching for well-being”. 

The aim of the 2nd part of WELL-BE was to develop a coaching intervention model for young people and through the professional guidance and facilitation of the Romanian partner, Scouts Society, the participants created a high quality coaching model for young people.

During the training, the youth coaches shared good practices, weaknesses and tools from their experiences when implementing coaching sessions, what tools really work, what didn’t work and jointly developed a high quality coaching model for different categories of young people.

WELL-BE had two main priorities:

(1) to support young people to find a job / continue their studies – offering personalized coaching and mentoring.

(2) to equip young workers with the knowledge, tools and skills in youth coaching and mentoring.

 FAJUB – Federação das Associações Juvenis do Distrito de Braga Centro de Activismo Juvenil KRIK / КРИК Bangherang & Scout Society

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #romania  #well-be

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