Targu-Jiu, Roménia
Formação | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 


Targu-Jiu, Roménia | 10 a 14 de Maio 2022

Formação | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

The aim of the training course is to transfer all the knowledge gained during the study visit in Budapest Regarding sports in general and particularly sports that can be adapted for visual impaired people to other youth workers,coaches, volunteers. At the end of the training course the participants should be able to develop inclusive sport activities/events in their local community with or without having a previous experience in working with visual impaired people.

The training is designed on transferring skills to coaches, trainers, youth workers and volunteers involved in physical activities/sport in their communities in order for them to be able to promote education in and through sport with focus on involving visual impaired people in their activities.

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