Orlová, República Checa
Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 


Orlová, Czech Republic | 18th to 27th July 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Our international youth exchange took place in Orlová (a town located in the east of Czechia). 30 youngsters coming from Czechia, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, Slovakia and Serbia will work together to achieve the objectives of the project. Each group  consisted of 4 participants (18 – 30 years old) and 1 group leader (18+ years old). During the activities we used various non-formal and informal learning methods such as energizers, games, inclusive sports, intercultural evenings, study visits, reflections, discussions etc. The aim of the project was to learn about more about the topics of healthy lifestyle, inclusive sports, disinformation and to share our cultural identity and to make new international friendships and connections.

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