Villalar de los Comuneros – Valladolid, Spain
Intercâmbio de Jovens | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ 


Villalar de los Comuneros – Valladolid, Spain |

8 de Junho a 16 de Junho 2022

Intercâmbio de Jovens | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Europe faces a moment of transformation. The Coronavirus crisis has wiped out years of economic and social recovery and exposed again structural weaknesses in Europe’s economy. Also, there are reports that show the solidarity is a mainstay of EU. For example, in hardest years of crisis the number of volunteers grew. This fact shows that in times of crisis the citizens find in the social cooperation one of the best tools to improve the situation of the most vulnerable groups. The project aims to promote the importance of solidarity, also extolling the solidarity like a tool to fight social problems derivate from crisis, such as Covid19, the aging population, Climatic change, the result of strong migration flows localized depressions or pressure for resources. Therefore, the project intends to promote the solidarity in EU between all levels, opening the European citizens mind respecting the contribution of solidarity in the way to reach an intelligent, sustainable, and integrative economy in the EU. Bearing in mind all these concepts, the Municipality of Villalar de los Comuneros, as member of the Cooperation Network of European Routes of Emperor Charles V, is eager to organize a youth exchange which through non-formal education models and by interacting between European youngsters by a creative way, youngsters will: a) Understand better their role in the European future as European citizens; b) Improve their expression skills regarding solidarity; c) Empathize with solidarity situations; Experts on the field, educators and other volunteers will provide the materials, resources and facilities needed in order to transfer their knowledge and skills to youngsters participating in this training course. Moreover, as participants will come from different countries of all over Europe, diversity and multiculturalism will be promoted during the exchange, giving an added value to the project.

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