Esta foi uma experiência bastante diferente dos outros YE em que participei.
Desde dormir num colchão no pavilhão da escola, jogar futebol/basquete nos coffee breaks a uma bela manhã de surf, são muitas as boas memórias que ficam deste projeto.
Resta agradecer pelas muitas experiências partilhadas e pelas amizades que ficam.
#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #spain #saveyourbodyandenvironment
“This was an experience quite different from the other YEs I’ve participated in.
From sleeping on a mattress in the school pavilion, playing soccer/basketball during coffee breaks to a beautiful morning of surfing, there are many good memories that remain from this project.
All that remains is to say thank you for the many experiences shared and the friendships that remain.”
#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #spain #saveyourbodyandenvironment