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Critical Thinkers

Sofia, Bulgaria

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Critical Thinkers

Sofia, Bulgaria | 9th to 19th December 2022

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB found itself represented in the exchange “Critical Thinkers’ ‘, which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, during the days 09-19 December 2022, under the Erasmus + programme.

During this Youth Exchange, the project focused on raising awareness about the problem of fake news, identifying them, new platforms, avoiding propaganda and manipulation in the media.

We thus share a summary of this project, hoping that this experience is memorable for all.

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #bulgaria  #criticalthinkers


Foi de facto uma experiência enriquecedora, onde pudemos conhecer mais acerca das culturas dos outros participantes, bem como, criar algumas raízes e rotinas com os mesmos. O projeto em si, foi muito interessante, a nossa moderadora Paula, soube gerir muito bem o grupo e as atividades acabaram por fluir com alguma naturalidade!


It was indeed an enriching experience, where we could learn more about the cultures of the other participants, as well as create some roots and routines with them. The project itself was very interesting, our moderator Paula, knew how to manage the group very well and the activities flowed quite naturally!

Tiago, Participante

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