Young Farmers In Action

Barcelona, Espanha

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

Young Farmers In Action

Barcelona, Spain | 9th to 15th January 2023

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB found itself represented in the “Young Farmers In Action ” exchange, which took place in Barcelona, Spain, during the days 09-15 January 2023, under the Erasmus + programme.


During this Youth Exchange, the project focused on raising awareness to improve young people’s knowledge and understanding of the need for sustainable agriculture.

We thus share a summary of this project, hoping that this experience is memorable for everyone.


Quarenta e dois participantes de Portugal, Turquia, Bulgária, Roménia, Itália e Países Baixos juntaram-se em Barcelona durante cinco dias para discutir agricultura sustentável.

Durante o projeto visitamos uma quinta, plantamos frutas e criamos um projeto de uma quinta de permacultura.

Aprendemos através de energizers, brainstorming, teatros, debates e outras dinâmicas de grupo.

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #spain  #youngfarmersinaction


Forty-two participants from Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy and the Netherlands came together in Barcelona for five days to discuss sustainable agriculture.

During the project we visited a farm, planted fruit and created a project of a permaculture farm.

We learned through energizers, brainstorming, theatres, debates and other group dynamics.

#erasmus+ #fajub #mobilityopportunities #spain  #youngfarmersinaction

Marta, Participante

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