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The Plastic Tide

Valência, Espanha

Intercâmbio Juvenil | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

The Plastic Tide

Valencia, Spain | 3rd to 10th May 2023

Youth Exchange | 🇪🇺 Erasmus+

FAJUB is pleased to announce that young Portuguese people participated in The Plastic Tide Youth Exchange , funded by the Erasmus + programme, in Valencia, Spain.
The project focused on the theme of sustainability and environment, aiming to raise awareness of the negative impact of plastic on marine ecosystems.

Using non-formal language, the young people created infographics and videos to raise awareness of the problem of plastics in the oceans.
FAJUB thanks all participants for their commitment and dedication and is proud of the final results.
Together we can take care of our planet and ensure a sustainable future for all!

Using non-formal language, the young people created infographics and videos to raise awareness of the problem of plastics in the oceans.
FAJUB thanks all participants for their commitment and dedication and is proud of the final results.
Together we can take care of our planet and ensure a sustainable future for all!


Em conjunto com os colegas que compuseram a equipa portuguesa, tive a oportunidade de participar no Youth Exchange: The Plastic Tide, que decorreu na cidade de Valência, em Espanha. O projeto focou-se nos tópicos de sustentabilidade e meio ambiente e, através do uso de linguagem não formal, fomos capazes de estabelecer uma dinâmica de trabalho positiva, que nos permitiu assimilar novos conteúdos acerca de uma temática que nos diz respeito a todos. Cuidar do meio ambiente é uma missão global, sobretudo numa altura em que a quantidade de plástico encontrada nos oceanos atinge novos máximos históricos.

Sinto-me extremamente grato pela oportunidade que me foi concedida para debater o assunto e os resultados finais foram muito promissores.


Together with the colleagues who made up the Portuguese team, I had the opportunity to participate in the Youth Exchange: The Plastic Tide, which took place in the city of Valencia, Spain. The project focused on the topics of sustainability and environment and, through the use of non-formal language, we were able to establish a positive working dynamic, which allowed us to assimilate new content about a topic that concerns us all. Taking care of the environment is a global mission, especially at a time when the amount of plastic found in the oceans is reaching new historic highs.
I feel extremely grateful for the opportunity that was given to me to discuss the subject and the final results were very promising.

Rafael Ferreira, Participante

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